July 2022: We're deeply saddened that our colleague and friend, Sir Christopher Meyer, has died.
MoreJuly 2022: We're deeply saddened that our colleague and friend, Sir Christopher Meyer, has died.
MoreJune 2022: 'Our Gay Wedding: The Musical' is to be included in C4's season marking 50 years of Pride in the UK, as a highlight of the channel's historic and ongoing commitment to pushing LGBTQ boundaries with ground-breaking programming
MoreMarch 2022 - 'Horizon Special: The Vaccine' is nominated for a prestigious Royal Television Society (RTS) award, and selected for International Competition at AFO
MoreDecember 2021 - Wingspan's film, Quentin Blake: The Drawing of My Life has been given a prime place in the BBC's festival schedule - it's set to broadcast at tea-time on Christmas Day
MoreDecember 2021 - Wingspan's film about the vaccine is short-listed in the Best Specialist Factual category of the Broadcast Awards
MoreNovember 2021: This year’s WCSFP (World Congress of Science and Factual Producers) sees our Vaccine Film honoured with a Buzzie nomination in the long-form Science category while it also features in What’s the Buzz?, Sparks of Inspiration with Katie Ewer and Making Of… sessions
MoreNovember 2021: Wingspan films hailed in Glasgow – but what are the challenges of greening up production?
MoreOctober 2021: A special screening of Wingspan’s film will close the South Ken Kids Festival at the Ciné Lumière, Institut Français...
MoreOctober 2021: Two new Wingspan films are set to feature prominently in ITV's Climate Action Week, with tx timed to run alongside the COP26 talks in Glasgow. Both will receive theatrical premieres at 'COPtimism', where Wingspan P/D Kim Lomax will join a panel about the charms and challenges of green film-making.
July 2021: Outstanding Achievement Award for Wingspan’s vaccine film, as it also airs to acclaim in Europe.
MoreJanuary 2021: In this warm celebration of one of Britain's best loved artists, the illustrator and author Sir Quentin Blake tells the story of his 70 year long career: in his own words, and with his own pictures.
MoreDecember 2020: Documentary will tell the inside story of the biggest scientific challenge of our age – how a small, international group of vaccine scientists took on COVID-19